ever since i was eight or nine.
i've been standing on the shoreline
all my life i've been waiting for something lasting
oh this town kills you when you are young
oh this town it kills you when you are young.
i'm not the boy that i used to be
this town has got the youth of me
all the eyes turn hollow
from the work of sorrow
you die young
you die when you're young
you die when you're young
we are shadows
oh, we're shadows
just shadows in the alley
standing on the paving
by the office building
there's so much to do
never time for you
you die young
you die when you're young
you die when you're young
we are shadows
oh, we're shadows
just shadows in the alley
i've got nothing
nothing to wait for
nothing to wait for
where is life in this town?
where is life in this town?
Åh vad härligt ni har haft det!
SvaraRaderaEr taxifärd påminner om min i london. Den blev inte långvarig då vi såg att det bara var djupa hål istället för pinnar till lås. Sedan började radion brinna så vi hoppa ut. Chaffisen fattade inte vad problemet var...
Din sjal ser väldigt bekant ut, min mamma har vad jag tror, 2 likadana. En i blåa nyanser, och en i lila. De bor hos mig numera. Vill gärna se den live :-)
Det får du kanske snart! :-D